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Coronavirus Transmission

WebGL / Augmented Reality

Coronavirus Transmission


We visualized a cough to show how far respiratory droplets can spread. If you haven’t been keeping your distance to fight the coronavirus, this may persuade you. We also used augmented reality to show you how social distancing guidelines can apply in real life: at the grocery store, on the sidewalk, or anywhere else. See the video of this here. To experience this in your space, you will need to use the NYTimes iOS App on a newer iPhone or iPad.


    Python, Javascript, GLSL

    Three.js, Maya

    Jupyter, numpy


By Yuliya Parshina-Kottas, Bedel Saget, Karthik Patanjali, Or Fleisher and Gabriel Gianordoli. Sources: Masashi Yamakawa, Kyoto Institute of Technology; Donald K. Milton, Maryland Institute for Applied Environmental Health, University of Maryland School of Public Health; Pratim Biswas, Aerosol and Air Quality Research Laboratory at Washington University in St. Louis; Barry Scharfman, Head of Data Science at PA Aerospace & Defense. Makiko Inoue contributed reporting from Tokyo. Additional work by Jon Huang and Mark McKeague.